Saturday, September 27, 2008

My Wife, Shawna

Lord, typing out my prayers on this blog may not be standard format, but I know that You hear me and the wishes of my heart. Lord, You know my heart, and You know all things Lord. Please have mercy on my wife Shawna and bless her, heal her mind for the evil spirits that are troubling her and give her peace, YOUR peace Lord, I beg of You. You are the Alpha and the Omega, and the Healer, and You are LOVE Lord. You have come to set the captives free. Free her Lord, all the little puzzle pieces that need to be in place you for healing, bring to pass Lord.
I thank You in advance for I know that You are a faithful and just God and that You will not let any of Your children go astray.
I love You Lord and thank YOU so much for everything!

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